Metrohm tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab) User Manual
Page 976
5.6 Commands
tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab)
Parameters for device.
Measuring parameters
Parameters for setting the measurement procedure.
Definition of evaluation results for the sample spectrum.
Command variables
The following command variables are generated in the method run by the
command MEAS Spec and can be used in formulas under the designation
'Command name.Variable designation':
Command status; 1 = BUSY, HOLD or ERROR; 0 =
READY; invalid (variable not available) = Command
has not ever been started
Total duration for the processing of the command in s
Command status; 1 = Command has been ended
at least once, 0, invalid (variable not available) =
Command has never been ended
Type of stop with which the command was stopped:
1 = normal;0 = manual or after error
Absorbance of the peak with the greatest absorbance
(maximum absorbance) for evaluation # (1…9)
Transmission of the peak with the greatest absorbance
(minimum transmission) for evaluation # (1…9) in %
Intensity of the peak with the greatest absorbance
(maximum intensity) for evaluation # (1…9)
Intensity in reference spectrum 'Command
name'.PK{#}.WVL for evaluation # (1…9)
Intensity in dark spectrum 'Command
name'.PK{#}.WVL for evaluation # (1…9)
Wavelength of the peak with the greatest absorbance
for evaluation # (1...9) of the discovered maximum
Specification as to whether the dectector was satura-
ted with 'Command name'.PK{#}.WVL for evaluation #