3 properties - edit – Metrohm tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab) User Manual

Page 173

background image


3 Workplace

tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab)




50 characters

Default value


ID4 … ID16

on | off (Default value: off)

Enable/disable the display of the column ID4 … ID16 in the sample table.
The option also exists of renaming the heading of this column in the working
sample table.


50 characters

Default value


Sample size

on | off (Default value: on)

Enable/disable the display of the column Sample size in the sample table.
The option also exists of renaming the heading of this column in the working
sample table.


50 characters

Default value

Sample size


on | off (Default value: on)

Enable/disable the display of the column Sample size unit in the sample
table. The option also exists of renaming the heading of this column in the
working sample table.


50 characters

Default value


Properties - Edit

Dialog window:Workplace

Tools Sample


New… [Sample table] Properties… Properties - Sample

table 'Name'

Dialog window:Workplace

Run Determination series Prop-

erties Run window

Properties - Determination series

Options for the editing of the sample table.

Apply data with

on | off (Default value: off)

Selection of the data field which must be filled in connection with automatic
data import via balance, barcode reader or file in order to apply the data for
the line in the sample data storage and to switch onward to the next line.
If the relevant column is empty, then additional imported data will be written