Metrohm tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab) User Manual

Page 1219

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6 Configuration

tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab)



as his/her user name. If this check box is disabled, then all subsequent
parameters are deactivated.


on | off

Default value

FDA default: on

Password monitoring by tiamo

If this option is enabled then the password will be monitored by tiamo
according to the following parameters.


on | off

Default value

FDA default: on

Password monitoring by Windows

If this option is enabled then the password will be monitored according to
the parameters defined in Windows. In this case the parameters for pass-
word protection are deactivated.


on | off

Default value

FDA default: off


When using password monitoring through Windows, to avoid an unwan-
ted login by the standard defined user Guest in Windows, this must also
either be provided with a password or (preferably) be deactivated.


If this option is enabled, the user name in Windows and tiamo must
correspond with each other otherwise the user in tiamo cannot log in
any more. In order to ensure this, the dialog window Test Login (see
Chapter, page 1207)
appears after this option has been selected
in which the logged-in user must register with his or her Windows pass-
word. If this test login fails, then the Security settings dialog window
will remain open.