1 properties analog input – Metrohm tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab) User Manual
Page 1463
7 Devices
tiamo 2.1 (ProcessLab)
The menu [Port description] contains the following menu items:
Import of a text file (TXT, CSV) containing the port description. Each line is inter-
preted as port description, spaces will be ignored.
Export a text file containing the port descriptions of all digital inputs.
Properties Analog input
Dialog window Configuration
▶ Devices ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties... ▶ Properties - 'Device
type' - 'Device name'
▶ Analog inputs ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties Analog input
In the dialog window Properties Analog input the properties for the indi-
vidual analog inputs are set.
Display of the internal designation for an analog input port of the type
AnIn_x_y_z, whereas x stands for the controller; y for the analog input
terminal and z for the input on this terminal.
Port description
Freely selectable designation for an analog input port. This designation is
used in the program to actuate the port.
50 characters
Default value
The following characters must not be part of the port
description: \ , ', ., {, }, [, ].
Display of the port type.
Low level (0%)
Display of the lowest analog input value.
This value is read out automatically and depends on the Type.
High level (100%)
Display of the highest analog input value.
This value is read out automatically and depends on the Type.
Display of the unit of the analog input value.
This value is read out automatically and depends on the Type.