Devicenet communication – Lenze I/O system 1000 System Manual User Manual
Page 585

DeviceNet communication
Parameterising the counter
One counter 32 bits, 24 V DC − EPM−S600
EDSIO1000 EN 7.0
Additional functions Description
Main counting
The main counting direction can be parameterised:
None: The whole counting range is available.
Forwards: Limitation of the counting range upwards. The counter counts from the
parameterised loading value in the positive direction to the parameterised final value −1
and then skips to the loading value again with the encoder pulse that is following.
Backwards: Limitation of the counting range downwards. The counter counts from the
parameterised loading value in the negative direction to the parameterised final value +1
and then skips to the loading value again with the encoder pulse that is following.
Gate function
The gate function serves to start, stop, and interrupt a counting function. In the case of
this counter a differentiation between the internal gate (I−gate), hardware gate (HW
gate), and software gate (SW gate) is made.
The I−gate is the AND logic operation of the software gate (SW gate) and the hardware
gate (HW gate).
The SW gate is controlled via your user program (status word in the output area).
The HW gate is controlled via the digital gate input.
The following response can be parameterised:
Cancelling gate function:After closing the gate and opening it again, the counting process
continues from the loading value again.
Interrupting gate function:After closing the gate and opening it again, the counting
process continues with the last current counter content.
Latch function
If a positive edge occurs at the latch input, the current count value is stored in the latch
register. The latch register is accessed via the input area. After a STOP−RUN transition,
latch is always 0.
You can specify a comparison value which, depending on the count value, activates the
digital output or triggers a process alarm.
By specification of a hysteresis you can for instance prevent the output from being
permanently switched if the value of an encoder signal fluctuates around the comparison
Process alarm
The activation of a process alarm can be parameterised. A process alarm can be triggered
in the case of the following events:
Hardware gate open
Hardware gate closed
Counting limit − overflow
Counting limit − underflow
Comparison value reached
Final value reached
Latch value reached
Diagnostic alarm
If the diagnostic alarm is enabled in the parameter setting, it occurs if another process
alarm is triggered for the same event during a process alarm processing
Further information can be found in the chapter "Product description".