Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual

Page 982

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Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide



Motion is measured in intervals. The table displays the Current Motion (count per interval)
and a 20 Minute Average Motion (count per interval). Compare these two items to
determine whether the BR1240’s deployment location remains consistently occupied by
client users. For more information on enabling the sensor, see Setting a Profile’s
Environmental Sensor Configuration (BR1240 Only) on page 8-530

13. Refer to the Motion Trend Over Last Hour graph to assess the fluctuation in user movement

over the last hour. Use this graph in combination with the Light and Temperature graphs (in
particular) to assess the deployment area’s activity level.

14. Refer to the Motion Trend Over Last Day graph to assess whether deployment area user

movement is consistent across specific hours of the day. Use this information to help
determine whether the BR1240 can be upgraded or powered off during specific hours of the

15. Select the Humidity tab.


Access Point - Environmental Sensor screen (Humidity tab)

16. Refer to the Humidity table to assess the sensor's detected humidity fluctuations within the

BR1240’s immediate deployment area.