Vehicle, Mounted modem (vmm) deployment considerations – Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual
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Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide
14. Select OK to save the updates or overrides to the Mesh Point configuration. Select Reset to
revert to the last saved configuration.
Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM) Deployment Considerations
Before defining a VMM configuration (mounting an BR7161 mesh point on a moving vehicle), refer
to the following deployment guidelines to ensure the configuration is optimally effective:
Disable layer 2 stateful packet inspection from the firewall policy. For more information, see
Firewall Policy Advanced Settings
Set the RTS threshold value to 1 on all mesh devices. The default is 2347. For more
information on defining radio settings, refer to
Access Point Radio Configuration
Use Opportunistic as the rate selection setting for the BR7161 radio. The default is Standard.
For more information on defining this setting, see
Disable Dynamic Chain Selection (radio setting). The default is enabled. This setting can be
disabled in the CLI using the dynamic-chain-selection command, or in the UI (refer to
Disable A-MPDU Aggregation if the intended vehicular speed is greater than 30 mph. For more
information, see
Brocade recommends setting a misconfiguration recovery time for the non-root AP profile. This
configuration should delay the rejection of the newest configuration push from the controller,
potentially causing adoption loss.
The additional delay is to support cases when the new configuration from the controller
causes the root AP to move from current channel to other channels, resulting in a mesh
link going down, and in turn non-root APs losing adoption. This delay accommodates the
time needed for the non-root AP to scan all channels and finding the best root node. The
non-root AP can begin operating on the new channel, and establish the mesh link re-adopt
to the controller. (For countries using DFS, the scan time is also factored in for the
configured value). If the AP fails to find a suitable root node within this time, this new
config is a misconfiguration and the device would reject the latest config.
For outdoor APs, it is recommended the misconfiguration-recovery-time be disabled. This
can be accomplished by setting the value to 0. Update non root BR71XX profiles on the
controller to include this change.
Meshpoint Root: Sample
Set the number of scans (from 1- 10) for data collection before a mesh point root is selected. The
default is 5.
Meshpoint Root:
Off-channel Duration
Define the duration (from 20 - 250 milliseconds) for scan dwells on each channel, when
performing an off channel scan. The default is 50 milliseconds.
Meshpoint Root:
Channel Switch Delta
Configure the delta (from 5 - 35 dBm) that triggers a meshpoint root automatic channel selection
when exceeded. The default is 10 dBm.
Meshpoint Root:
Off-channel Scan
Configure the duration (from 1 -60 seconds) between two consecutive off channel scans for
meshpoint root. The default is 6 seconds.
Meshpoint Root:
Channel Hold Time
Set the minimum duration (from 0 - 1440 minutes) to remain on a selected channel before
channel conditions are reassessed for a possible channel change. Set this value to zero (0) to
prevent an automatic channel selection from occurring. The default is 30 minutes.