Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual
Page 698
Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide
If a tree container (country, region, city or campus) has a red box around it, it either has invalid
attributes or a RF Domain requires addition.
5. Select the
add RF Domain
link at the right-hand side of any container to display an Unmapped
RF Domain screen.
6. Provide the default RF Domain name whose deployment area and floor is mapped graphically,
and whose events are shared between Mobility and ADSP. Select Add to display the Rf Domain
within its respective place in the tree hierarchy. A default RF Domain can also be dragged into
the tree from the right-hand side of the screen.
Once the RF Domain is in the tree, select the
add child
link at the right-hand side of the RF
Domain to display a screen where the RF Domain deployment Area and Floor are defined.
Once define, select Add to populate the tree with the Area and Floor.
Provide the Map URL to upload the floor plan created under an Area. Each area can have
multiple floors
While the MAP URL graphic file represents the RF Domain’s physical device deployment area,
devices cannot be dragged into topology or manipulated. To define a network topology that allows
an administrator to add devices and manipulate locations, refer to Network View on page 4-41.
Edit a tree node at any time by selecting it from amongst the Tree Setup screen, and referring to the
right-hand side of the screen where a field displays to modify the container.
Optionally, select Tree Import Export Template to upload a template.csv file if one is needed for
container configuration.
A sample of the tree template is provided here for reference.
Row Description
record type (folder),server,Name,Description,Type,Floor Number,Path(slash
Actual Row is CSV file
folder,localhost,US,Country Description,Country,,
folder,localhost,Southeast,Region Description,Region,,US
folder,localhost,Alpharetta,City Description,City,,US/Southeast
folder,localhost,Sanctuary Park,Campus Description,Campus,,US/Southeast/Alpharetta
folder,localhost,The Falls 1125,Domain
Description,RFDomain,,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Sanctuary Park
folder,localhost,Queens,,Area,,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Sanctuary Park/The Falls 1125
folder,localhost,FloorQLab,,Floor,1,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Sanctuary Park/The Falls
folder,localhost,FloorSLab,,Floor,2,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Sanctuary Park/The Falls