Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual
Page 326
Brocade Mobility RFS Controller System Reference Guide
14. Set the following Video Access admission control settings for this radio QoS policy:
15. Set the following Low (Background) Access admission control settings for this radio QoS policy:
16. Select the Multimedia Optimization tab to set the advanced multimedia QoS and Smart
Aggregation configuration for selected radio QoS policy.
Enable Video
Select the check box to enable admission control for this policy’s video traffic. Only video traffic
admission control is enabled, not any of the other access categories (each access category must
be separately enabled and configured). This feature is disabled by default.
Maximum Airtime
Set the maximum airtime (in the form of a percentage of the radio’s bandwidth) allotted to
admission control for video supported client traffic. The available percentage range is from
0-150%, with 150% being available to account for over-subscription. This value helps ensure the
radio’s bandwidth is available for high bandwidth video traffic (if anticipated on the wireless
medium) or other access category traffic if video support is not prioritized. Video traffic requires
longer radio airtime to process, so set a longer airtime value if this radio QoS policy is intended to
support video. The default value is 75%.
Maximum Wireless Clients
Set the number of wireless clients supporting background traffic allowed to exist (and consume
bandwidth) within the radio’s QoS policy. Select from an available range of 0-256 clients. The
default value is 100 clients.
Maximum Roamed
Wireless Clients
Set the number of video supported wireless clients allowed to roam to a different radio. Select from
a range of 0-256 clients. The default value is 10 roamed clients.
Reserved for Roam
Set the roam utilization (in the form of a percentage of the radio’s bandwidth) allotted to admission
control for video supported clients who have roamed to a different radio. The available percentage
range is from 0-150%, with 150% accounting for over-subscription. The default value is 10%.
Enable Background
Select the check box to enable admission control for this policy’s lower priority best effort traffic.
Only low best effort traffic admission control is enabled, not any of the other access categories
(each access category must be separately enabled and configured).
Maximum Airtime
Set the maximum airtime (in the form of a percentage of the radio’s bandwidth) allotted to
admission control for low, best effort, client traffic. The available percentage range is from 0-150%,
with 150% being available to account for over-subscription. Best effort traffic only needs a short
radio airtime to process, so set an intermediate airtime value if this radio QoS policy is reserved to
support background data. The default value is 75%.
Maximum Wireless Clients
Set the number of low and best effort supported wireless clients allowed to exist (and consume
bandwidth) within the radio’s QoS policy. Select from an available range of 0-256 clients. The
default value is 100 clients.
Maximum Roamed
Wireless Clients
Set the number of low and best effort supported wireless clients allowed to roam to a different
radio. Select from a range of 0-256 clients. The default value is 10 roamed clients.
Reserved for Roam
Set the roam utilization (in the form of a percentage of the radio’s bandwidth) allotted to admission
control for normal background supported clients who have roamed to a different radio. The
available percentage range is from 0-150%, with 150% available to account for over-subscription.
The default value is 10%.