Grass Valley VM 3000 System Controllers v.7.4 User Manual

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VM 3000 Installation and Operating Manual


Disabling, 5−56
Switching, 5−46

Bridge, 2−47

Broadcast Automation. See Thomson Automation


BCB−70/75, 60/65, 35, 2−89
DCR−10/18/20/28, 2−89
DCR−100/300/500, 2−89
DCR−34/35, 2−89
DCR−500, 2−79
defined, Glossary−2
PCB−2600/2650/2800, 2−89


Replacing, 2−77
Testing, 2−78
testing. See Diagnostics

Bus, defined, Glossary−2

Button labels, 2−77

Button−per−input, defined, Glossary−2

BVH−1000, 2−89

BVH−1100, 2−89

BVH−2000, 2−89

BVH−2500, 2−89

BVU−800, 2−89

BVW−10, 2−89

BVW−40, 2−89


Carts. See Audio carts

CAT 5E, 2−43

Categories, Changing factory names for, 5−103 , 10−5

Category set

Changing, 5−107
default, 5−64 , 5−65 , 5−82 , 5−83


defined, Glossary−2
Linking to switcher input, 5−58 , 5−62
Linking to switcher output, 5−76 , 5−79

CB−2000, 2−11

CB−3000, 2−3 , 2−11

LED error codes, S−1

CC−2010 cable, 2−9

CDRH, xxxvi

CE−1003B, 1−12

CE−3000, P−1

Defined, Glossary−2

CENELEC, xxxvi

CET, entry on Serial Protocol table, 5−28

CFR, xxxvi

Characters, in set, table, & device names, 5−7

Cheapernet. See Thin net

Chomerics, 2−11 , 2−110


CP−3000 panel, 6−13
CP−3020 panel, 6−26
CP−3800, 6−49
CP−3824 panel, 6−80
CP−3830 panel, 6−93
CP−3864, 6−103
defined, Glossary−2
limitations, 6−13

Clear Flash, Board Info/Control menu, 9−4

Clear PMEM, Board Info/Control menu, 9−4

Clipboard, Windows, 5−6


PC, 9−5
VM, 9−5

CM−4000, 1−4

defined, Glossary−2
entry on Net Description table, 5−22
entry on Serial Protocol table, 5−25
ESbus tributary protocol, 5−26
manual, xxviii

CM−4400, manual, xxviii

Combiner. See 2x1 Matrix Combiner; VM−400 or


Compiling/activating configuration set, 5−13


external, controlling router, 2−82
file server. See File server
non−Jupiter, controlling VTRs, 2−104


connection to CM, 2−3
connector numbering, 5−52
Physical level no., 5−36
Switcher Description table entries, protocol, 5−39


CP−3800, 6−50

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