X − y panel, To status a destination, To switch a source – Grass Valley VM 3000 System Controllers v.7.4 User Manual
Page 593

Software Control Panel Suite
VM 3000 Installation and Operating Manual
Figure 7−18.
The X−Y Panel is similar to the Source/Destination panel but has one set of category and entry buttons for the source
and another set for the destination.
To Status a Destination
Select the desired Destination Category button.
The Destination Entries section will be rewritten to display up to 12 destination buttons. Additional Destination
buttons, if available, are accessed by using the scroll buttons. Status for the first level will be shown on the button.
If the button is selected, the destination will also appear in the Destination display and the Current Source display
will indicate current status.
To Switch a Source
Select the desired Destination Category and Entry.
Select the Source Category and Entry.
The selection will appear in the Source Preset display.