Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 548

VLAN Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Plasma-ARC
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 3 /1 4 - FO R P R O O F O N LY
VLANs to/from a general port and configure whether packets on the egress are
tagged or untagged. Use the no form of this command to reset to the default.
switchport general allowed vlan
[tagged |
no switchport general allowed vlan
• add
—List of VLAN IDs to add. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN
IDs with a comma and no spaces. Use a hyphen to designate a range of
IDs. (range: 1–4094)
—List of VLAN IDs to remove. Separate nonconsecutive
VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces. Use a hyphen to designate a range
of IDs.
tagged—Specify that packets are transmitted tagged for the configured
untagged—Specify that packets are transmitted untagged for the
configured VLANs (this is the default)
Default Configuration
The port is not a member of any VLAN.
Packets are transmitted untagged.
Command Mode
Interface (Ethernet, Port Channel) Configuration mode
User Guidelines
If the interface is a forbidden member of an added VLAN, the interface does
not become a member of this specific VLAN. There will be an error message
in this case ("An interface cannot become a a member of a forbidden VLAN.
This message will only be displayed once.") and the command continues to
execute in case if there are more VLANs in the vlan-list.
The configuration is applied only when the port mode is general.