Ipv6 dhcp client information refresh – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 655

DHCPv6 Commands
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User Guidelines
This command restarts DHCP for an IPv6 client on a specified interface after
first releasing and unconfiguring previously-acquired prefixes and other
configuration options (for example, Domain Name System [DNS] servers).
The following example restarts the DHCP for IPv6 client on VLAN 100:
console# clear ipv6 dhcp client vlan 100
ipv6 dhcp client information refresh
To configure the refresh time for IPv6 client information refresh time on a
specified interface if the DHCPv6 server reply does not include the
Information Refresh Time, use the ipv6 dhcp client information refresh
command in Interface Configuration mode. To return to the default value of
the refresh time, use the no form of this command.
ipv6 dhcp client information refresh
seconds |
no ipv6 dhcp client information refresh
—The refresh time, in seconds. The value cannot be less than the
minimal acceptable refresh time configured by the ipv6 dhcp client
information refresh command. The maximum value that can be used is
4,294967,294 seconds (0xFFFFFFFE).
infinite—Infinite refresh time.
Default Configuration
The default is 86,400 seconds (24 hours).
Command Mode
Interface Configuration mode