Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 615

GARP VLAN Registration Protocol Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Plasma-ARC
D E LL CO N F I D E N T IA L – P R E L I M I N A RY 4 / 3 / 14 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
no garp timer
• The following specify the type of timer. The possible values are:
join—Specifies the GARP join timer. The timer value for this type of
timer specifies the time interval between the two join messages sent
by the GARP application.
leave—Specifies the GARP leave timer. The timer value for this type
of timer specifies the time interval for a GARP application to wait for
a join message after receiving a leave message for a GARP attribute,
before it de-registers the GARP attribute.
leaveall—Specifies the GARP leaveall timer. The timer value for this
type of timer specifies the time interval between leaveall messages for
a GARP entity, which prompt other GARP entities to re-reregister all
attribute information on this entity.
• timer-value—Specifies the timer value in milliseconds in multiples of 10.
(Range: 10–2147483640)
Default Configuration
The following are the default timer values:
• Join timer—200 milliseconds
Leave timer—600 milliseconds
Leaveall timer—10000 milliseconds
Command Mode
Interface (Ethernet, Port Channel) Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The timer-value must be a multiple of 10.
The following relationship must be maintained between the timers:
• The leave timer value must be greater than or equal to three times the join
• The leave-all timer value must be greater than the leave timer.