Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 464

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LLDP Commands

FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Plasma-ARC


D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 3 /1 4 - FO R P R O O F O N LY

lldp optional-tlv 802.1 ppvid

add ppvid

- The Protocol Port VLAN ID

(PPVID) is advertised. The PPVID is the PVID that is used depending on the

packet’s protocol.
lldp optional-tlv 802.1 ppvid

remove ppvid

- The PPVID is not advertised.

lldp optional-tlv 802.1 vlan

add vlan-id

- This


is advertised.

lldp optional-tlv 802.1 vlan

remove vlan-id

- This


is not advertised.

lldp optional-tlv 802.1 protocol

add {stp | rstp | mstp | pause | 802.1x |

lacp | gvrp}

- The protocols selected are advertised.

lldp optional-tlv 802.1 protocol

remove {stp | rstp | mstp | pause | 802.1x |

lacp | gvrp}

- The protocols selected are not advertised.


lldp optional-tlv 802.1 pvid

{enable | disable}

—Advertises or stop

advertize the PVID of the port.

lldp optional-tlv 802.1 ppvid add/remove


—Adds/removes PPVID

for advertising. (range: 0–4094). PPVID = 0 indicates that the port is not

capable of supporting port and protocol VLANs and/or the port is not

enabled with any protocol VLANs.



—Adds/removes VLAN for advertising (range: 0–4094).


{stp | rstp | mstp | pause | 802.1x | lacp | gvrp}


specifies to advertise the specified protocols; remove specifies not to

advertise the specified protocol.

Default Configuration

The following 802.1 TLV is transmitted:

Command Mode

Interface (Ethernet) Configuration mode


console(config)# lldp

optional-tlv 802.1 protocol add stp