Switchport general forbidden vlan – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 553

VLAN Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Plasma-ARC
D E LL CO N F I D E N T IA L – P R E L I M I N A RY 4 / 3 / 14 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
switchport general forbidden vlan
Use the switchport general forbidden vlan Interface Configuration mode
command to forbid adding/removing specific VLANs to/from a port. Use the
no form of this command to restore the default configuration.
switchport general forbidden vlan {add
| remove
no switchport general forbidden vlan
• add
—Specifies a list of VLAN IDs to add to interface. Separate
nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces. Use a hyphen to
designate a range of IDs.
—Specifies a list of VLAN IDs to remove from interface.
Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces. Use a
hyphen designate a range of IDs.
Default Configuration
All VLANs are allowed.
Command Mode
Interface (Ethernet, Port Channel) Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The forbidden VLAN cannot be one that does not exist on the system, or one
that is already defined on the port.
The following example define s gi0/4 as a forbidden membership in VLANs 5-
console(config)# interface gi0/4
console(config-if)# switchport general forbidden vlan add 5-7
console(config-if)# exit