Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 188

SNMP Commands
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\CLI Folders\Dell Plasma-ARC
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 3 /1 4 - FO R P R O O F O N LY
3—SNMPv2 traps or informs are used
• Authentication options are available for SNMP v3 only. The following
options are available:
noauth—Specifies no authentication of a packet.
auth—Specifies authentication of a packet without encryption.
priv—Specifies authentication of a packet with encryption.
community-string—Password-like community string sent with the
notification operation. (Range: 1–20 characters). For v1 and v2, any
community string can be entered here. For v3, the community string must
match the user name defined in snmp-server user (ISCLI) command for
• udp-port
—UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162. (Range:
—Filter for this host. If unspecified, nothing is filtered.
The filter is defined using snmp-server filter (no specific order of
commands is imposed on the user). (Range: Up to 30 characters)
—(For informs only) Number of seconds to wait for an
acknowledgment before resending informs. The default is 15 seconds.
(Range: 1–300)
—(For informs only) Maximum number of times to resend
an inform request, when a response is not received for a generated
message. The default is 3. (Range: 0–255)
Default Configuration
Version: SNMP V1
Type of notification: Traps
udp-port: 162
If informs are specified, the default for retries: 3
Timeout: 15
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode