Open an eps file, Open a photo cd file – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 80

User Guide
Sets the color mode for the new document. See also “Color modes” on page 110.
Bit Depth
Sets the bit depth for the new document. See also “Bit depth” on page 60.
The Width and Height values plus the Resolution determine the final pixel dimension of resulting document.
To suppress color profile warnings, select Suppress Warning.
Click OK.
See also
“About Smart Objects” on page 309
“About placing files” on page 74
“Copy between applications” on page 260
Open an EPS file
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) can represent both vector and bitmap data and is supported by virtually all graphic,
illustration, and page-layout programs. Adobe applications that produce PostScript artwork include Adobe
Illustrator, Adobe® Dimensions®, and Adobe® Streamline™. When you open an EPS file containing vector art, it is
rasterized—the mathematically defined lines and curves of the vector artwork are converted into the pixels or bits of
a bitmap image.
You can also bring PostScript artwork into Photoshop using the Place command, the Paste command, and the drag-
and-drop feature.
Choose File > Open.
Select the file you want to open, and click Open.
Indicate the desired dimensions, resolution, and mode. To maintain the same height-to-width ratio, select
Constrain Proportions.
To minimize jagged lines at the edges of artwork, select Anti-aliased.
See also
“About placing files” on page 74
“Copy between applications” on page 260
Open a Photo CD file
You can open Kodak Photo CD (PCD) files, including high-resolution files from Pro Photo CD discs. You cannot
save files in PCD format from Photoshop.
Note: You can find the PhotoCD plug-in on the Photoshop CS3 DVD (Goodies/Optional Plug-Ins/Kodak PhotoCD. The
ReadMe included in the DVD mentions where to copy the PhotoCD plug-ins and the color profiles.
Choose File > Open.
Select the PCD file you want to open, and click Open. If the file does not appear, select the option for showing all
files from the Files Of Type (Windows) or Show (Mac OS) menu.