Fill the work canvas, Fill a selection with a pattern, Stroke a selection or layer with color – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 360

User Guide
To apply a foreground color fill only to the areas that contain pixels, press Alt+Shift+Backspace (Windows) or
Option+Shift+Delete (Mac OS). This preserves the transparency of the layer. To apply a background color fill only
to the areas that contain pixels, press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace (Windows) or Command+Shift+Delete (Mac OS).
Fill the work canvas
Set the foreground color you want to use for the canvas.
Select the Paint Bucket tool
In the options bar, set Fill to Foreground.
Hold down Shift, and click in the work canvas.
Note: You need to be in full screen mode and viewing the menus to fill the work canvas.
Fill a selection with a pattern
Select the part of the image you want to fill.
Do one of the following:
Choose Edit > Fill. In the Fill dialog box, for Use, choose Pattern, select a pattern from the pop-up palette, and
click OK.
If Pattern is dimmed, you need to load a pattern library before you can select this option.
Select the Paint Bucket tool
. In the options bar, choose Pattern from the Fill pop-up menu, and select a pattern
from the Pattern pop-up palette. Then click to fill the selected area with the pattern.
Note: You can load additional pattern libraries into the pop-up palette prior to making a selection. (See “Manage pattern
libraries and presets” on page 355.)
Stroke a selection or layer with color
You can use the Stroke command to paint a colored border around a selection, path, or layer. When you create a
border this way, it becomes a rasterized part of the current layer.
To create shape or layer borders that can be turned on or off like overlays and are anti-aliased to create softer-edged
corners and edges, use the Stroke layer effect instead of the Stroke command. See “Layer effects and styles” on
Choose a foreground color.
Select the area or layer you want to stroke.
Choose Edit > Stroke.
In the Stroke dialog box, specify the width of the hard-edged border.
For Location, specify whether to place the border inside, outside, or centered over the selection or layer bound-
Note: If the layer contents fill the entire image, a stroke applied outside the layer will not be visible.
Specify an opacity and a blending mode. (See “List of blending modes” on page 344.)
If you’re working in a layer and want to stroke only areas containing pixels, select the Preserve Transparency
option. (See “Lock layers” on page 289.)