Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 670

background image



kerning 419, 420

keyboard shortcuts

full list of 629

in Help 4

keystone distortion, correcting 192

kinsoku shori. See Asian type


and spot colors 504

creating 294

Kotoeri Character palette 435


Lab Color mode

about 111

in Adobe Color Picker 121

Lab color model 111

Lab images

blending modes for 293

channel display in 266

languages, assigning to text 409

Large Document Format (PSB)

about 463

saving in 442

Lasso tool

stylus pressure options for 248

using 246

Lasso Width option 247

layer comps

applying and viewing 316

deleting 317

updating 317

validating 317

working with 315

Layer Comps palette 315

layer edges 285

layer mask channel 320

Layer Mask Hides Effects option 296

layer masks

adjustment layers as 307

disabling and enabling 320

discarding 322

displaying 320

displaying channel 320

editing 319

loading as selections 322

layer styles

contours 301

custom 299

editing 305

expanding and collapsing 303

hiding and showing 302, 303

options for 299

presets 303

removing 305

scaling effects in 305

type layers 403

Layer Via Copy command 311

Layer Via Cut command 281

layer-based slices, creating 509


See also type layers

adjustment layers, about 306

aligning 286, 287, 324

applying preset styles to 298

background 280

blending automatically 288

blending range and 296

changing stacking order of 284

clipping masks and 323

color-coding 290

converting styles to 305

converting to CSS layers 528

copying and pasting styles in 304

creating 280

creating new document from 281

creating slices from 508

creating vector masks with 319

deleting 290

distributing 286

duplicating 281

editing vector masks in 319

exporting 291

exporting to files 458

filling 352

filling with neutral color 293

flattening 292

flattening from animation

frames 582

grouping 284

hiding and showing 282

in channel calculations 275, 276

knockout 294

linking 284

loading boundaries as

selection 322

locking 289

mask 317

merging 291

modifying effects in 301

moving 284, 285

opacity 292

painting transparency 344

rasterizing 290

removing effects 305

renaming 289

rotating 288

sampling 282

saving 441

scaling effects in 305

selecting 283

selecting opaque areas of 322

showing edges 285

stroking 352

thumbnails 279

unifying 567

unlinking masks in 321

viewing 282

Layers palette

about 279

keyboard shortcuts for 648

leading in Asian type 434

Lemple-Zif-Welch (LZW)

compression 459

Lens Blur filter 212, 389

lens blur, adding 207

Lens Correction filter 205

lens distortion 205

Lens Flare filter 392

letter spacing 419, 424

letterbox scaling 581

letters. See type

Levels command

about 160

adjusting tonal range with 161

adjusting tonality with

eyedroppers in 167

assigning highlight and shadow

values with 174

Auto options for 185

correcting color casts with 162

Input Levels sliders 161

Output Levels sliders 174

Set Gray Point eyedropper in 162

setting target values with 174

Lighten mode 344

Lighter color mode 345

lighting effects 302