Open pdf files – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 78

User Guide
Sometimes Photoshop may not be able to determine the correct format for a file. This can happen, for example,
because the file has been transferred between two operating systems. Sometimes a transfer between Mac OS and
Windows can cause the file format to be mislabeled. In such cases, you must specify the correct format in which to
open the file.
You can retain (where possible) layers, masks, transparency, compound shapes, slices, image maps, and editable type
when bringing your Illustrator art into Photoshop. In Illustrator, export the art in the Photoshop (PSD) file format.
If your Illustrator art contains elements that Photoshop doesn’t support, the appearance of the artwork is preserved, but
the layers are merged and the artwork is rasterized.
See also
“About plug-in modules” on page 50
“Processing images with Camera Raw” on page 87
Open a file using the Open command
Choose File > Open.
Select the name of the file you want to open. If the file does not appear, select the option for showing all files from
the Files Of Type (Windows) or Enable (Mac OS) pop-up menu.
Click Open. In some cases, a dialog box appears, letting you set format-specific options.
Note: If a color profile warning message appears, specify whether to use embedded profile as the working space, convert
the document color to working space, or reverse the embedded profile. For more information, see “Color-managing
imported images” on page 134.
Open a recently used file
Choose File > Open Recent, and select a file from the submenu.
Note: To specify the number of files listed in the Open Recent menu, change the Recent File List Contains option in the
File Handling preferences. Choose Edit > Preferences > File Handling (Windows), or Photoshop > Preferences > File
Handling (Mac OS).
Specify the file format in which to open a file
If a file was saved with an extension that doesn’t match its true format (for example, a PSD file saved with a .gif
extension), or has no extension, Photoshop may not be able to open the file. Selecting the correct format will allow
Photoshop to recognize and open the file.
Do one of the following:
(Windows) Choose File > Open As, and select the file you want to open. Then choose the desired format from the
Open As pop-up menu, and click Open.
(Mac OS) Choose File > Open, and choose All Documents from the Show pop-up menu. Then select the file you
want to open, choose the desired file format from the Format pop-up menu, and click Open.
Note: If the file does not open, then the chosen format may not match the file’s true format, or the file may be damaged.
Open PDF files
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a versatile file format that can represent both vector and bitmap data. It
has electronic document search and navigation features. PDF is the primary format for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe