Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 562

User Guide
The folder should contain only those images you want to use as frames. The resulting animation will be more
successful if all files have the same pixel dimensions. To order frames correctly for the animation, name the files in
alphabetical or numeric order. For example, filename001, filename002, filename003, and so forth.
Do one of the following:
To open an image sequence directly, choose File > Open.
To import an image sequence into an open document, choose Layer > Video Layers > New Video Layer From File.
In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder with image sequence files.
Select one file, choose the Image Sequence option, and then click Open.
Note: Selecting more than one file in an image sequence disables the Image Sequence option.
For a video on working with Image Sequences, see
See also
“Supported video and image sequence formats (Photoshop Extended)” on page 545
Place a video or image sequence (Photoshop Extended)
Use the Place command if you want to transform the video or image sequence as you import it into a document.
Once placed, the video frames are contained within a Smart Object. When video is contained by a Smart Object, you
can navigate through the frames using the Animation palette, and you can also apply Smart Filters.
Note: You can’t paint or clone directly on video frames contained by a Smart Object. However, you can add a blank video
layer above the Smart Object, and paint on the blank frames. You can also use the Clone tool with the Sample All Layers
option to paint on blank frames. This lets you use the video in the Smart Object as a cloning source.
With a document open choose File > Place.
In the Place dialog box, do one of the following:
Select a video file and click Place.
Select one image sequence file, select the Image Sequence option, and then click Place.
Note: Make sure all the image sequence files are in one folder.
(Optional) Use the control points to scale, rotate, move, or warp the imported content.
Click the Commit Transform button
in the options bar to place the file.
You can also place video directly from Adobe Bridge CS3. Select the video file and then choose File > Place > In
See also
“About Smart Objects” on page 309
“Transform video layers (Photoshop Extended)” on page 560