Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 674

background image



adjusting 205

applying 216

changing by cropping 192

correcting 205

transforming 192

perspective planes

working with vanishing point 225

Photo CD files 73

Photo Filter command

about 182

cooling filters 182

custom color filters 182

warming filters 182

photo frames 190

photo galleries

creating 516

styles 519

using tokens in 519, 521

Photocopy filter 393


about 239

adjusting perspective in 243

creating a composition 239

creating a photomerge

interactively 239

selecting files to use in 240

setting vanishing a point in 243

source photographs for 239

taking pictures for 239

using from Bridge 240

using lightbox with 242

Photoshop 2.0 format, opening files

in 460

Photoshop EPS format. See EPS files

Photoshop format 460

Photoshop PDF format 464

Photoshop Raw format

about 461

saving in 455

Photoshop. See Adobe Photoshop

PICT files

about 464

PICT Resource format 464

Picture Package command

about 475

customizing layouts 477

pillarbox scaling 581

Pinch filter 390

pincushion distortion 205

Pixar format 465

Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction

command 552

pixel aspect ratios

assigning 553

customizing 553

deleting values 553

restoring default values 553

pixel depth. See bit depth

pixel dimensions

maximum 62

new channels 265

resampling and 64

viewing 62

pixel values

mean 153

median 153

previewing 155

standard deviation 153

Pixelate filters 392

pixelation, causes of 59


about 58

displaying color values of 37

histogram display of 153

per inch (ppi) 59

selecting 244

Place command, about 74

Plaster filter 394

Plastic Wrap filter 388

Playback Options command 611

plug-ins 7

for importing scanned images 68

for unsupported file format 459

in Adobe Store 10

selecting folder for 50

Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks

preferences 49

PNG file format

about 465

Interlaced option 453

options for 453

saving files in 453

PNG-24 file format

optimization options 538

PNG-8 file format

optimization options 531

point size. See type, formatting

point type. See type, formatting

Pointillize filter 392

points, fastening 248

Polar Coordinates filter 390

Polygonal Lasso tool 246

pop-up palettes

about 22

changing display of 23

customizing list of items in 23, 48,


Portable Bit Map format 465

Portable Document Format (PDF)

about 464

saving files in 444

positives, creating 188

Poster Edges filter 388

Posterize command, about 188

posterizing images 188

PostScript Language Reference

Manual 494

PostScript, point size 42

ppi (pixels per inch) 59


Color Picker 124

gamut warning color 160

plug-in module 50

Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks 57

recent file list 71

restoring to default settings 49

transparency display 282

Preserve Transparency option 328

preserving highlight and shadow

detail 174


brush 330

contour 302

for converting files 445

gradient 350

PDF export 445

style 297

Press Quality, PDF presets 446


channel calculations 276

color and pixel values 155

colors. See soft-proofing

documents on a video monitor 580

extracted objects 264

layers 282

printed image 67