selection boundary 255
video and animation in the
timeline 580
Print command 483, 484
print dimensions, changing 66, 486
Print One Copy command 484
Print Options command 483
printer driver color management 487
printer profile targets 490
printer resolution 63
printer’s marks 491
printer’s points 42
about 483
color management
considerations 139
color separations 495
color trapping before 496
commercial 491
continuous-tone images 483
duotones 501
encoded image data 496
halftone attributes for 493
images 483
options, setting 484
overprint colors 500
page setup for 486
part of an image 487
previewing 67, 484
scaling for 487
vector graphics 487
with color management 487
printing inks, density of 503
process colors
about 501
color management
considerations 133
simulating solidity 502
Progressive option, for JPEG 2000
format 458
Proof Color command 159
Proof Setup command 137, 159, 160
Protect Foreground Color option 329
proxy view area 34
PSD format 460
Pucker tool 220
punctuation, hanging. See type,
Purge command 57
quadtones. See duotones
Quick Mask mode
changing opacity with 272
options 271
turning off 271
Quick Selection tool 249
quotation marks, about 407
Radial Blur filter 389
Radial Gradient tool 347
Radiance format 465
Randomize option 351
raster images. See bitmap images
rasterized type. See type
Illustrator artwork 261
layers 290
PostScript artwork 73
type layers 410
read me file 2
Reconstruct tool 222
modes 224
inserting stops in 615
recording, actions 614
Rectangular Marquee tool 245
Red Eye tool 202
red eye, removing 195
reference point 214
Refine Edge command 255
Reflected Gradient tool 348
registration of software 1
Remove Black Matte command 257
Remove White Matte command 257
Render filters 392
rendering grids. See grids
rendering intents 149
renmoji. See Asian type
Replace Actions command 613
Replace Channel option 274
Replace Color command 178
Replace Contents command 311
requirements, system 1
See also resizing
about 64
interpolation methods 65
Reselect command 245
Reset Actions command 613
about 64
images during printing 486
slices 511
type 405
about 61
determining optimal 66
displaying 62
document size and 66
file size and 62
of bitmap images 59
of printer 59
screen frequency and 63
Restore To Background option 571
restoring images. See images
result color of blend 343
Reticulation filter 394
Clone Stamp tool 195
with Healing Brush tool 195
with Spot Healing Brush tool 195
Revert command 51
RGB Color mode 110
selecting color in 121
tonal and color adjustments in 159
RGB color space, Adobe 146
RGB images
channel display 266
converting to indexed color 115
specifying colors numerically
in 125
Rich Content PDF setting 447
Ripple filter 391
rollovers, tools for creating 505
Rotate Canvas command 193
images 193, 213, 216
layers and selections 216
Rough Pastels filter 388, 396
Roundness option 335
Ruler tool 42