Use the navigator palette, Zoom in or out – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
Use the Navigator palette
You use the Navigator palette to quickly change the view of your artwork using a thumbnail display. The colored box
in the Navigator (called the proxy view area) corresponds to the currently viewable area in the window.
Do one or more of the following:
To display the Navigator palette, select Window > Navigator.
To change the magnification, type a value in the text box, click the Zoom Out or Zoom In button, or drag the zoom
To move the view of an image, drag the proxy view area in the image thumbnail. You can also click the image
thumbnail to designate the viewable area.
To change the color of the proxy view area, select Palette Options from the palette menu. Select a preset color from
the Color pop-up menu, or double-click the color box to choose a custom color.
Navigator palette
A. Palette menu button B. Thumbnail display of artwork C. Proxy preview area D. Zoom text box E. Zoom Out button F. Zoom slider
G. Zoom In button
Zoom in or out
Do any of the following:
Select the Zoom tool
, and click either the Zoom In
or Zoom Out button
in the options bar. Click the
area you want to magnify.
Select the Zoom tool. The pointer becomes a magnifying glass with a plus sign in its center. Click the center of the
area that you want to magnify, or hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click the center of the area
that you want to reduce. Each click magnifies or reduces the view to the previous preset percentage.
Note: When you use the Zoom or Zoom Out tool, each click magnifies or reduces the image to the next preset percentage
and centers the display around the point you click. When the image has reached its maximum magnification level of
1600% or minimum size of 1 pixel, the magnifying glass appears empty.
Select the Zoom tool and drag a dotted rectangle, called a marquee, around the area you want to magnify. To move
the marquee around the artwork, hold down the spacebar and continue dragging until the marquee is in the
desired location.
Choose View > Zoom In or View > Zoom Out. When the image reaches its maximum or minimum magnifi-
cation, the command is dimmed.
Set the zoom level at the lower left corner of the document window or in the Navigator palette.
To display a file at 100%, choose View > Actual Pixels.
To change the view to fit the document window, choose View > Fit on Screen.
If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can use it to zoom in or out after selecting the Zoom tool. Choose Edit >
Preferences > General (Windows) or Photoshop > Preferences > General (Mac OS) and select the Zoom With Scroll
Wheel option to enable this behavior.