Export measurements, textures, and 3d information – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
Automatically drawing a measurement in Vanishing Point
The Measure tool can automatically draw the length and width measurements of a surface that’s defined by a
perspective plane.
Double-click the Measure tool in a perspective plane.
Move a measurement in Vanishing Point
In Vanishing Point, you can move a measurement line without changing its orientation (angle) or length.
Select the Measure tool.
Click anywhere along the length of an existing measurement and drag.
Change the length or orientation of a measurement
You can change the length or orientation (angle) of an existing measurement.
Select the Measure tool and move it over the end point of an existing measurement line.
Do any of the following:
To change the orientation and length of a measurement, drag an end point.
To change the length of a measurement and constrain its angle changes to 15 degree increments, Ctrl-drag
(Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) an end point.
To change the length of a measurement without changing its orientation, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag
(Mac OS) an end point.
To change the orientation of a measurement without changing its length, Shift-drag an end point.
Delete a measurement in Vanishing Point
Select a measurement and press Backspace (Windows only) or Delete.
Show or hide measurements in Vanishing Point
Open the Vanishing Point menu and choose Show Measurements.
Render measurements in Photoshop
The Vanishing Point measurements are invisible when viewing an image in the Photoshop document window, even
though the measurements are preserved in the image and appear whenever you launch Vanishing Point. Measure-
ments can be rendered so when you finish working in Vanishing Point, they’re visible in the Photoshop document
window. The rendered measurements are raster not vector.
Open the Vanishing Point menu and choose Render Measurements To Photoshop.
The Render Measurements To Photoshop command must be chosen for each Vanishing Point session.
Create a new layer for your Vanishing Point results if you plan to render the measurements to Photoshop. This keeps
the measurements on a separate layer from the main image.
Export measurements, textures, and 3D information
3D information (planes), textures, and measurements created in Vanishing Point can be exported to a format for use
in CAD, modeling, animation, and special effects applications. Exporting to DXF creates a file with 3D information
and any measurements. Exported 3DS files contain rendered textures in addition to the geometric information.
Open the Vanishing Point menu and choose either Export to DXF or Export To 3DS.