bitmap images
about 58
resolution of 59
transparency in 59
Bitmap mode
about 111, 113
converting to Grayscale 115
Custom Pattern option 114
Paint Bucket tool 352
using type 403
Black & White command 170
Black Body option 118
black point compensation 149
black-and-white images, creating 188
Blend Clipped Layers As Group
option 295
blend color 343
Blend Interior Effects As Group
option 295
blending modes
about 343
choosing 293
for channel calculations 275, 276
for layer groups 293
blending options, advanced 295
grouping effects 295
restricting to channels 295
specifying range for 296
Blur and Blur More filters 389
Blur tool 203
BMP file format
about 462
saving in 456
Border command 255
bottom-to-bottom leading 434
bounding boxes, of type 405
Box Blur filter 389
Bridge Home 8
Bridge. See Adobe Bridge
adjusting 172
adjusting in Illustrator 15
equalizing 187
in HSB color model 109
Brightness/Contrast command 183
browser dithering 532
browser messages 515
brush cursor 330
Brush Stroke filters 390
brush tips
creating 333
shape options for 334
Brush tool
about 326
in vanishing point 225
airbrush option for 342
clearing options for 343
color dynamics of 340
dual 340
dynamic 336
preset 330
pressure sensitivity of 343
scattering 338
shape dynamics of 337
textured 339, 342
wet edge or watercolor 342
Brushes palette
about 332
keyboard shortcuts for 647
bump maps 402
Burn tool 204
Button Mode command 611
Calculations command 276
Camera Raw
See also camera raw files
about 86
database 103
preview controls 89
profile adjustments 98
workflow options 106
XMP files 103
camera raw files
about 85
automated batch processing 91
bit depth of 106
cache in Bridge 86, 90
chromatic aberration 100
copying and pasting settings in
Bridge 104
correcting a color cast 98
cropping and straightening
images 101
database for settings 104
export settings 105
histogram and RGB values 94
non-neutral colors in 98
pixels in 106
preview controls 89
printing resolution for 106
profile adjustments 98
reducing noise 102
resampling 106
saving and restoring settings 103
saving to other file formats 92
setting color profile and bit
depth 106
sharpening 102
sidecar XMP files 104
tonal adjustment controls for 96
view controls 89
vignetting 100
white balance in 94
canceling operations 51
filling 353
resizing 190, 194
Canvas Size command 194
capitalizing text. See type, formatting
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Generate CSS slice output
option 542
CCITT compression 459
Chalk & Charcoal filter 393
Change Layer Content command 308
Channel Mixer command
Constant option 180, 181
creating monochrome images 180
mixing channels 179
Output Channel option 180
See also alpha channels, Channels
palette, color channels, spot
bit depth 60
blending 275
calculating 275
color 265
color information 59
deleting 269
duplicating 267
file size of 265
hiding and showing 266
inverting 180
layer mask 320