Index, Numerics – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 660

background image




16 bpc images 60

32 bpc images 81

3D files

formats supported 604

opening 605

saving 609

3D layers 609

3D models

editing textures from 608

placing against a background 609

transforming 605

8 bpc images 60


Accented Edges filter 390


of Help 4

Acrobat. See Adobe Acrobat

action playback speed 611

action sets 613


about 610

adjusting tonal range and color

with 159

changing recorded values in 616

deleting 612

duplicating 612

editing 617

excluding tasks from 616

inserting stops in 615

loading 613

playing 611

processing files with droplets 621

rearranging 612

recording 614

recording again 617

renaming 612

selecting 611

undoing 611

Actions palette

about 610

keyboard shortcuts for 645

activation of software 1

active layer 283

Actual Pixels view 35

Actual Size view 35

Adaptive color palette 116

Add Noise filter 391

Add option 276

adjustment layers

about 158, 306

creating 307

editing 308

merging 308

Adobe Acrobat

comparing versions 447

presets for exporting to 445

Adobe After Effects

importing Photoshop (PSD) files

into 553

Adobe applications, integration

between 478

Adobe Bridge

about 21

Creative Suite color settings 130,


metadata in 467

Adobe Color Picker

alerts 122

choosing 124

choosing a custom color with 123

displaying 120

out-of-gamut alert in 120, 121

selecting a CMYK color with 121

selecting web-safe colors with 122

specifying a hexadecimal color

in 122

specifying a Lab color with 121

Adobe Design Center 9

Adobe Help 2

Adobe Illustrator

files, opening 71, 73

importing art from by placing 71

metadata in 466

using Photoshop files in 479

Adobe InDesign

metadata in 466

Adobe PDF conversion settings 445

Adobe PDF presets. See PDF files

Adobe Photoshop

See also Photoshop format,

Photoshop PDF format,
Photoshop RAW format

legacy serial number 50

metadata in 466

testing mobile content created

in 443

using with Device Central 443

Adobe Photoshop EPS format. See

EPS files

Adobe Premiere Pro 462

Adobe RGB color space 147

Adobe Version Cue

about 70

Adobe Video Workshop 5

airbrush 342

alert messages, hiding and

showing 49

Align Layers command 286

Align To Selection command 286


layers 286

selections 245

shapes 376

slices 513

Alignment buttons 286

alignment. See aligning

All Caps command 414

all caps, in type 414

All Channels View of Histogram

palette 152

Allow Non-Linear History option 55

alpha channel interpretation 557

alpha channels

See also channels

about 265

adding texture with 402

calculating 275

converting to spot channel 503

creating 272

deleting 269

file formats for saving 265

file size of 265

in JPEG 2000 files 458

loading a saved selection from 274