for nonsupported previews 460
supporting paths 370
file information area, in status bar 40
file size
about 62
required for alpha channels 265
scanning and 498
tracking 291
filename extensions, preferences for
saving 442
extensions for 442
saving preferences 442
Fill command 352, 353
fill layers
about 306
creating 307
editing 308
merging 308
fill opacity 293
fill pixels 359
Fill tool 264
Fill With Neutral Color option 293
layers 352
paths 380
selections 352
type 413
with foreground or background
color 352
with gradients 347
with history state 51
fills, keyboard shortcuts for 642
Filmstrip format 462
Filter Gallery 384
filter masks 314
applying 384, 385
applying cumulatively 384
applying from Filter Gallery 384
Artistic 388
Blur 388
Brush Stroke 390
Colored Pencil 388
creating backgrounds with 387
creating special effects with 387
Cutout 388
Digimarc 396, 470
Distort 390, 397
Dry Brush 388
Fine Grain 388
for 16-bit images 383
for 8-bit images 383
Fresco 388
improving performance with 387
Lens Blur 212, 389
Lighting Effects 399
Neon Glow 388
Noise 391
Other 395
Paint Daubs 388
Pixelate 392
previewing 384, 385
Render 392
Repeat Edge Pixels option 397
Sharpen 393
Sketch 393
Stylize 394
Video 395
Wrap Around option 397
Find And Replace command 409
Find Edges filter 394
Fine Grain filter 388
Finger Painting option 203
Fit On Screen command 36
Flatten Frames Into Layers
command 582
Flatten Image command 292
images 292
flattening, images 292
flipping, images 193
floating boxes. See CSS layers
FOCOLTONE color system 123
font installation 2
font families 415
missing 416
OpenType 417
previewing 415
foreground color
choosing 118, 125
editing with Color palette 125
filling selections with 352
selecting with Eyedropper tool 119
for image sequences 545
for video 545
fractional character widths 421
Fragment filter 392
frame delay 570
adding 566
selecting 567
tweened 569
framing images 195
Free Transform command, about 216
Freeform Pen tool 367
freeze areas, with Liquify filter 219
frequency. See screen frequency 63
Fresco filter 388
fringe pixels, removing 257
function keys 651
Gamma command 525
gamuts 128, 159
Gaussian Blur filter 389
General preferences
Disable Auto Add/Delete 377, 378
GIF file format
about 462
Interlaced option for 454
Normal option for 454
optimization options for 531
web optimization settings 531
Glass filter 390, 396
global lighting 302
Glowing Edges filter 394
glyph protection 417
in OpenType fonts 417
glyphs, spacing of 424
Gradient Editor dialog box 349
Gradient Fill tool 37
Gradient Map command 189
Gradient tool 37
gradient tools. See individual gradient
tool names
applying 347
creating 349
creating presets for 350
fill layers 307
keyboard shortcuts for 642
library 348