Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 613

User Guide
Move, rotate, or scale a 3D model
You can use the 3D object editing tools to rotate a 3D model around its x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis; move the model along
an axis; or scale the object. While you manipulate the 3D model the camera view remains fixed.
For tooltips on each 3D tool, choose Palette Options from the Info Palette’s options menu and select Show Tool Hints.
Click a tool, then move the cursor into the image window to view tool details in the Info Palette.
Click Edit the 3D Object in the options bar.
Click a navigation tool to activate it:
Hold down Shift as you drag to constrain the Rotate, Drag, Slide or Scale tool to a single direction of movement.
Drag up or down to rotate the model around its x-axis, or side to side to rotate it around its y-axis. Hold down
Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag to roll the model.
Drag side to side to rotate the model around its z-axis.
Drag side to side to move the model horizontally, or up or down to move it vertically. Hold down Ctrl
(Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag to move in the x/z direction.
Drag side to side to move the model horizontally, or up or down to move it closer or farther away. Hold down
Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag to move in the x/y direction.
Drag up or down to scale the model larger or smaller. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you
drag to scale in the z direction.
Click the Return to default view icon in the Options bar to return the model to its initial view.
To view or edit the numeric x, y, and z position, rotation, or scaling of the 3D model, click the arrow to the right of
the 3D tools.
Edit the 3D camera
Use the Edit Camera tools to move the camera view while leaving the position of the 3D object fixed.
For tooltips on each 3D tool, choose Palette Options from the Info Palette’s options menu and select Show Tool Hints.
Click a tool, then move the cursor into the image window to view tool details in the Info Palette.
Click Edit the 3D Camera in the options bar.
Click a camera editing tool to activate it.
Hold down Shift as you drag to constrain the Orbit, Pan, or Walk tools to a single direction of movement.
Drag to orbit the camera in the x or y direction. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag
to roll the camera.
Drag to roll the camera.
Drag to pan the camera in the x or y direction. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag to
pan in the x or z direction.
Drag to walk the camera (z translation and y rotation). Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you
drag to walk in the z/x direction (z translation and x rotation).
Drag to change the field of view of the 3D camera. Maximum field of view is 180.