options 343
tools for 325
with a color in vanishing point 225
with patterns 326
with sampled pixels in vanishing
point 225
Palette Knife filter 388
See also panels
about 14
keyboard shortcuts for 644
panel menu, displaying 15
See also palettes
about 14
collapsing to icons 19
docking 16
grouping 17
moving 17
showing and hiding 15
stacking 18
panoramic images, creating 239
Paragraph palette, about 422
paragraph type. See type
about 422
formatting 422
hanging punctuation 426
hyphenation 427
indenting 425
spacing between 425
word and letter spacing 424
Pass Through blending mode 293
passwords, in PDFs 450
Paste Into command 258
frames 568
PostScript artwork 261
selections 259
patch area 195
Patch tool 200
Patchwork filter 395
path components 371
copying 376
deleting 376
moving 375
overlapping 376
reshaping 376
path segments
nudging 374
about 371
adjusting 375
adjusting angle and length 373
clipping 480
closed 371
closing 364, 365, 366
combining 374
connecting 374
copying 376
created from type 431
creating new 369
curved segments 366
defining transparency 480
deleting 370, 374
distributing 376
drawing freehand 367
drawing, with Pen tool 363, 364,
editing 375
exporting to Illustrator 481
filling 380, 381
from selection borders 380
leaving open 366
managing 370
moving 373
open 371
overlapping 375
printing 481
renaming 370
repositioning 375
reshaping 373
saving 370
selecting 369, 372
straight segments 366
stroking 382
text on 428
Paths palette 369
Paths To Illustrator command 481
Pattern buffer 57
pattern dither 533
Pattern Maker 356
Pattern Stamp tool 326
about 354
defining image as 355
fill layers 308
filling selections with 352
generating with Pattern Maker 356
load library of 355
painting with 326
PostScript Pattern folder 355
saving library of 355
PCD format 73
PCX file format 464
PDF conversion settings 445
PDF presentations
about 472
creating 472
PDF presets
about 445
creating 445
PDF version capabilities 447
PDF/X-compliant files
color management
considerations 140
standards 447
PDF/X-compliant files, options 450
Adobe PDF presets 450
color management
considerations 136, 140
compatibility levels 447
compliance with PDF/X
standard 447
compression 448
downsampling 448
opening 71
Photoshop PDF 464
saving 444
security 450
Pen tool
drawing curves 364, 367
drawing curves and lines 366
drawing straight lines 363
override automatic switching 378
overriding switching 377
pen tools 37
about 363
Pencil tool
about 326
auto erasing with 330
Perceptual color palette
about 116
number of colors 116
permissions passwords
in PDFs 450