Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 198

User Guide
Resampling while cropping uses the default interpolation method set in the General preferences.
Drag over the part of the image you want to keep to create a marquee. The marquee doesn’t have to be precise—
you can adjust it later.
If necessary, adjust the cropping marquee:
To move the marquee to another position, place the pointer inside the bounding box and drag.
To scale the marquee, drag a handle. To constrain the proportions, hold down Shift as you drag a corner handle.
To rotate the marquee, position the pointer outside the bounding box (the pointer turns into a curved arrow), and
drag. To move the center point around which the marquee rotates, drag the circle at the center of the bounding
box. The marquee can’t be rotated in Bitmap mode.
Set options to hide or shield the cropped portions:
Specify whether you want to use a cropping shield to shade the area of the image that will be deleted or hidden.
When Shield is selected, you can specify a color and opacity for the cropping shield. When Shield is deselected,
the area outside the cropping marquee is revealed.
Specify whether you want to hide or delete the cropped area. Select Hide to preserve the cropped area in the image
file. You can make the hidden area visible by moving the image with the Move tool. Select Delete to discard the
cropped area.
The Hide option is not available for images that contain only a background layer. If you want to crop a background
by hiding, convert the background to a regular layer first.
Do one of the following:
To complete the crop, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS), click the Commit button
in the options bar,
or double-click inside the cropping marquee.
To cancel the cropping operation, press Esc or click the Cancel button
in the options bar.
Crop an image using the Crop command
Use a selection tool to select the part of the image you want to keep.
Choose Image > Crop.
Crop an image using the Trim command
The Trim command crops an image by removing unwanted image data in different ways than the Crop command.
You can crop an image by trimming surrounding transparent pixels, or background pixels of the color you specify.
Choose Image > Trim.
In the Trim dialog box, select an option:
Transparent Pixels to trim away transparency at the edges of the image, leaving the smallest image containing
nontransparent pixels.
Top Left Pixel Color to remove an area the color of the upper left pixel from the image.
Bottom Right Pixel Color to remove an area the color of the lower right pixel from the image.
Select one or more areas of the image to trim away: Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.