Hue/Saturation command 168
made in Curves dialog box 164
made with adjustment layers 158
Match Color command 178
Replace Color command 178
saving 159
slices 509
using tools and commands for 158
tonal range
adjusting with Curves 164, 165
changing with adjustment
layers 158
checking in histogram 151
remapping pixels in channel 188
tool hotspots 30
tool pointers 30
tool presets
about 31
creating 32
palettes for 32
tool tips
about 26
hiding 21
See also tool presets, individual tool
cycling through 30
fill 264
gallery of 29
keyboard shortcuts for 630
layer sampling 282
painting 325
recording in actions 614
setting pointer appearance of 30
snapping behavior of 43
standard and precise cursors in 31
viewing current 40
viewing hidden 25, 30
Tools panel, configuring 16
Tools Preset pop-up palette 32
top-to-top leading 434
Torn Edges filter 394
Toyo colors 123
Trace Contour filter 394
tracking 420
Transform command 37
transform perspective 190
Transform tool, in vanishing
point 225
applying 213
repeating 213
selecting an item for 213
setting or moving the reference
point for 213
transforming freely 213
duplicating an item while 213
layers 285
reference point 214
type 405
transforming objects
from the Edit menu 403
with Perspective and Distort
commands 403
applied with mask 271
canvas 194
dithering 533
gradients 349
in documents 282
in web graphics 534
Transparency & Gamut option 282
Trap command 497
adjusting overlapping spot
colors 504
Trim command 191
trimming images 191
tritones. See duotones
TrueType fonts 416
Trumatch color system 124
tryouts 10
Tsume option 434
TWAIN interface for scanners 68
tweening 569
animation frames 547
Twirl Clockwise tool 220
Twirl filter 391
See also Asian type, fonts, type
formatting, type layers
about 403
adding drop shadow to 432
Asian type options 433
assigning a language to 409
bounding box of 405
committing 404
creating 404
curly and straight quotes in 407
editing 406
editing hyphenation 427
filling 413
finding and replacing 409
formatting characters 411
formatting paragraphs 422
formatting through the Character
palette 411
hanging punctuation 426
keyboard shortcuts for 643
on a path 428
orientation of 410
paragraph type 405
rasterized 403
resizing 405
selecting 411
selection border around 432
setting Asian OpenType font
attributes 435
size of 412
spell-checking 408
strikethrough 414
style of 415
transforming 405
underlining or striking
through 414
unwarping 431
work path for 431
Type 1 fonts 416
type layers
about 403
anti-aliased 407
changing orientation 410
rasterizing 410
transforming 403
unwarping 431
Type tool 404
type, editing
hyphenation 427
type, formatting
all caps and small caps 414
baseline shift 421
composition methods 427
fonts 415
fractional character widths 421
kerning and tracking 419, 420
keyboard shortcuts for 643
missing fonts 416
OpenType fonts 417