previewing, using Refine Edge
option 255
refining edges of 255
refining with Color Range
command 251
removing fringe pixels from 257
removing halos around 257
replacing in channel 274
saving as a mask 273
saving to a channel 273
selecting similar pixels in 255
selecting unselected areas of 253
smoothing 255
snapping behavior of 43
softening edges of 256
softening with Color Range
command 251
stroking 352
subtracting from 253
subtracting from channel 274
tools and commands for
making 244
with straight-edged borders 246
Selective Color command 181
Selective color palette 116
selective sharpening 210
separations. See color separations
serial numbers. See Photoshop legacy
serial number
Shadow/Highlight command 171
adjusting 171, 204
adjusting with Levels 161
shape dynamics, for brushes 337
shape layers 358
Shape tool options 362
adding to 360
distributing 376
drawing 359
drawing custom 361
drawing, with Pen tool 363
editing 361
intersecting 360
multiple on a layer 360
overlapping 360
rasterizing 361
saving custom 361
selecting custom 361
subtracting from 360
wheel 360
Sharpen Edges filter 393
Sharpen filter 207, 393
Sharpen More filter 393
sharpen selectively 207
Sharpen tool 203
sharpening images 207, 208, 209
Shear filter 391
shortcuts 629, 630
Show All Layer Styles command 302
Show Auto Slice command 510
Show Channels command 265
Show Rulers command 41
Show Slice Number command 510
sidecar files 103, 104, 466
Simulate Ink Black option 138
Simulate Paper White option 138
Single Column Marquee tool 245
Single Row Marquee tool 245
Single-line Composer 428
Sketch filters 393
Slice Options dialog box 507
Slice tool 508
about 507
adding links to 515
aligning 513
auto 507
background color of 515
badges in 510
boundaries of 510
changing stacking order of 513
color of 509
combining 512
converting 509
converting auto to user 509
copying 512
creating 508
deleting 513
duplicating 512
export options for 514
Image type 514
lines 509
locking 514
modifying 513
moving 511
No Image type 514
numbering of 509
renaming 514
resizing 511
selecting 510
slice lines 510
snapping to 511
specifying browser messages in
export options 515
types of 507
unlocking 514
user type 507
viewing 509
working with in Save For Web 527
pop-up sliders 22
scrubby sliders 22
Small Caps command 414
small caps. See type, formatting
Smallest File Size PDF setting 447
Smart Blur filter 389
Smart Filters
about 312
applying 312
copying 313
deleting 314
disabling masks 315
duplicating 314
editing 313
hiding 313
masking 314
moving 313
reordering 314
setting blending options 313
Smart Guides 43
Smart Highlighting option 263
Smart Objects
about 309
converting to layer 312
creating 310
duplicating 311
editing 311
exporting 312
replacing contents 311
Smart Sharpen filter 208
selection edges 379
selections 255
Smudge Stick filter 388
Smudge tool 203
Snap command 45, 245