Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 668

background image


mapping tonal range to 189

transparency 348, 349

Grain filter 395

Graphic Pen filter 393

grayscale images

about 111

colorizing 98, 170

converting from Bitmap mode 115

converting to black-and-white

images 188

converting to indexed color 115

creating by mixing channels 179

creating from color images 113,


halftone screen attributes for 494

storing selections in 265

grids 43


adding layers to 284

blending modes 293

grouping layers 284

viewing 282

Grow command 255


Smart Guides 43

snapping 43


halftone cell 63

Halftone Pattern filter 393

halftone screens

about 63


about 494

Custom Spot Function option 494

saving settings of 495

selecting attributes for 493

Hand tool 33

handtinted images 181

hanging punctuation 426

Hard light mode 345

Hard mix mode 345

hard proof 489

Hardness option 335

HDR Color Picker

choosing colors with 83

displaying 83

HDR images

about 77

converting to 8 or 16 bits per

channel 81

Merge To HDR command 79

painting on 84

viewing 81

healing brush tool 195


about 2

hexadecimal color values 122

Hide All Layer Styles command 302

Hide Auto Slice command 510

Hide Slice Number command 510

hiding and showing

alert messages 49

channels 266

grid and guides 43

layer styles 303

tool tips 21

using layer masks 319

High Dynamic Range images. See

HDR images 77

High Pass filter 395

High Quality Print, PDF preset 446

high-key images 151


adjusting 204

adjusting with Levels 161

Histogram palette

about 151

adjusting histogram view 152

All Channels View 152

Compact View 152

displaying channels in color 153

Expanded View 152

previewing adjustments in 154

refreshing 154

showing 151

statistics 153

viewing a specific channel in 153


about 151

cache level 153

reading 151

History Brush tool 51, 56

History palette

about 52

and batch processing 619

history states

deleting 53

options 53

painting with snapshot 56

replacing 328

reverting to previous 53

HKS color model 123

HSB color model 109

HSL/Color/Grayscale panel 98


adding HTML text to slices 516

ALT element 515

cell alignment for text 516

MESSAGE element 515

output settings 542

target frame 515

URLs in slices 515

Hue mode 345

hue, about 109

Hue/Saturation command

about 168

adjusting 168

colorizing grayscale images

with 170

modifying color range with

eyedroppers 169

specifying range of colors with 169


automatic 426

composition methods and 427

options 427

preventing breaks 427


ICC Profile option 441

ICC profiles

See also color profiles

embedding in files 530


panels as 19

IFF format, about 462

Illustrator. See Adobe Illustrator

image areas

adjust color saturation 195

blur 195

dodge or burn 195

replace color 195

sharpen 195

smudge 195