Lighting Effects filter
about 392, 399
adding 401
creating styles with 401
textures in 402
Lighting Effects filter styles 401
Lighting Effects types 400
Line tool, measuring distances
with 37
Linear Burn mode 344
Linear Dodge mode 344
Linear Gradient tool 347
Linear Light mode 345
adjusting angle and length 373
drawing 326
drawing, with Pen tool 363, 364,
moving 373
reshaping 373
linked files
color management
considerations 134
Liquify filter
about 219
applying meshes with 224
distorting images with 219, 220
freezing and thawing areas
with 221
inverting frozen areas with 221
moving pixels right with 220
reconstructing 222
saving meshes with 224
setting tool options for 220
showing backdrops with 224
using mask options of 222
Liquify filter tools 220, 222
LiveDocs 2
Load Actions command 613
color tables 118, 537
contours 302
duotone curves 499
output settings 541
pattern libraries 353
tonal and color adjustment
settings 159
Lock Slice command 514
Lock/Unlock Selected Colors
command 537
locking layers 289
locking slices 514
looping, in animations 571
lossless compression formats 459
lossy compression
JPEG format and 459
low-key images 151
lpi (lines per inch) 59, 63
Luminosity mode 345
luminosity, viewing in Histogram
palette 153
Mac OS system color palette 118
Mac OS, System color palette 115
Magic Eraser tool 328
Magic Wand tool 250
Magnetic Lasso tool 247
Magnetic Pen tool 368
magnifying images 35
Make Selection command 379
Make Work Path command 380
mapping colors to transparency 536
marquee tools
about 245
coordinates in Info palette 37
Fixed Size option 245
in vanishing point 225
mask editing colors 273
mask options, with Liquify filter 219
Masked Areas option 271
about 269
adding filter masks 315
adding to layers 319
and weighted optimization 528
applying to Smart Filters 314
changing opacity of 272
channels saved as 273
choosing color of 272, 273
clipping 323
creating from a selection 273
creating in alpha channels 272
creating temporary 270
deleting filter masks 315
disabling filter masks 315
for type 432
layers 318
removing quick masks 271
saving as alpha channels 269
saving selections in 269
selecting opaque areas with 322
unlinking from layers 321
vector 319
Match Color command
about 176
adjusting color with 178
matching color between layers 177
matching colors 176
command reference 591
connecting to 591
creating a Photoshop document
in 591
setup 590
using with Photoshop 590
matte color, choosing 116
Matting command 257
Matting commands 257
Maximum filter 211
data points 599
exporting measured data to a
file 601
tools 599
types of 599
Measurement Log palette 601
measurement scale
creating presets 597
setting 597
about 42
angle of rotation 37
changing units used for 42
in vanishing point 225
using a selection area 599
using cropping marquee 37
using Line tool 37
Median filter 211, 391
median pixel values 153
memory, freeing 57
customizing 24
deleting a set of 25
turning colors on or off 25
viewing hidden items in 25
Merge Channels command 268
Merge Spot Channel option 504