Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 669

background image


image noise

about 207

reducing 205

image noise, defined 102

Image Previews option 441

Image Processor 618

image resolution 59

image size 61

Image Size command

changing pixel dimensions 65

using Auto option 66

image stacks

about 594

converting to a layer 595

creating 595, 597

editing 595

stack modes 595


applying perspective 213

bit depth 60

color adjustments 157, 158

combining multiple 324

converting between bit depths 60

converting between color

modes 112

copying selections between 259

creating 69

creating from history state 53

creating from snapshot 53

creating monochrome with 180

creating panoramic 239

cropping 190

displaying size of 62

distorting with Liquify filter 219

flattening 292

flipping or rotating precisely 213

grayscale 111

handtinted 181

high-key and low-key 151

indexed-color conversion

options 115

loading selections into 274

magnifying 34

maximum size of 62

posterizing 188

preserving highlight and shadow

detail in 174

previewing for use in video 580

print dimensions of 66

printing 483

pseudocolor 117

reconstructing with Liquify

filter 222

resampling 64

restoring 51

reszing in Save For Web dialog

box 527

reverting to any state 52, 56

RGB 110

rotating or flipping 190, 193

saving 440

scanning 68

sharpening 207, 208, 209

skewing 213, 216

trimming 191

Import command 68

Import Folder As Frames

command 554


See also scanning

artwork by dragging 260

Illustrator art 71

images with WIA support 67, 68

indenting paragraphs 425

InDesign. See Adobe InDesign

Indexed Color mode

about 115

conversion options 115

converting RGB and Grayscale

images to 115

using type with 403

Info palette

about 37

before-and-after color values in 37

color corrections display 37

options for 38

out-of-gamut colors 37

previewing color changes in 155

showing 155

using 38

information box 62

Ink Outlines filter 390

Inner Glow effect 299

Inner Shadow effect 299

input device profiles 141, 143

Insert Stop command 616


creating with CSS layers 528

International Color Consortium

(ICC) 130

International Press

Telecommunications Council.

interpolation methods 65

Intersect With Channel option 274

Inverse command 253

Invert command 188

IPTC 104

ISO standards 447

ITPC 104


JavaScript 623


about 336

angle 337

color 341

count 339

flow 342

opacity 342

roundness 338

size 337

texture depth 340

JP2 format. See JPEG 2000 format

JPEG 2000 format

about 456, 463

alpha channels 458

Compliance option 457

defining a region of interest in 458

Growing Thumbnail option 458

Metadata Format option 458

optional plug-in 456

Progressive option 458

saving in 456

Tile Size option 457

Wavelet Filter option 457

JPEG artifacts 205, 207

JPEG compression. See JPEG format

JPEG encoding, in EPS files 455

JPEG format

about 463

compression 459

optimization options 530

saving files in 453

specifying image quality 453

JPF format. See JPEG 2000 format

justifying type 424

justifying type. See type, formatting