Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 665

background image


Create Droplet command

in Automate submenu 620

Create Layers command 305

Create Plane tool, in vanishing

point 225

Create Slice From Guides

command 508

Create Work Path command (for

type) 431

Crop tool 37, 190, 192

Crosshatch filter 390

Crystallize filter 392

CSS layers, generating 528

curly quotes 407

Current Path command 321


drawing, with Pen tool 364, 366

reshaping 373

Curves command

about 163

adding points with 165

adjusting color and tone with 166

adjusting color balance and tonal

range with 165

Auto options for 185

setting highlight and shadow

values with 174

setting target values with 174

shortcuts for 167

using eyedropper tools to adjust

tonality 167

curves, creating smooth and

sharp 371

custom color filter, in Photo Filter

command 182

Custom filter 395

custom ink colors, choosing in Adobe

Color Picker 123

Custom Spot Function option 494

customizing shortcuts 629

Cut command 262

Cutout filter 388


Dark Strokes filter 390

Darken mode 344

data sets

applying 626

defining 626

importing from external files 627

using batches of 627

data-driven graphics

about 623, 626

applying data sets 626

generating graphics 627

variables 624

DCS file format

about 268, 460

DCS 1.0 455

DCS 2.0 455

for images with spot channels 496

default workspace

restoring 14

Define Brush command 333

Define Pattern command 355

defining and adjusting perspective


with vanishing point 225

defining shortcuts 629

Defringe command 257

De-Interlace filter 395

Delete Color command 537

Delete Workspace command 20


alpha channels 269

channels 269

colors from swatch sets 126

locked selections 262

objects 262

selections 262

slices 513

Desaturate command 187

Deselect All Colors command 535

Deselect command 245

deselecting selections 245

See also selecting

Design Center 9

desktop printers, color profiles

for 139

Despeckle filter 391

detection width, Magnetic Lasso

tool 247

Device Central integration

Photoshop 443

Diameter option 334, 340

Diamond Gradient tool 348

DIC Color Guide 123

DICOM file format, about 462

DICOM files

about 592

exporting as JPEG 593

opening 593

viewing metadata 594

Difference Clouds filter 392

Difference mode 345

Diffuse filter 394

Diffuse Glow filter 390

diffusion dither 533

Digimarc filters

about 470

before adding 470, 471

reading a watermark 469

signal strength meter for 472

Watermark Durability setting

of 471

Digital Negative file format,

about 461

Direct Selection tool

activating temporarily 373

direction lines and points

moving 373

Directional lighting effect 400

Disable Auto Add/Delete

command 378

Displace filter 390

displacement maps 390

Display & Cursors preference 266

Dissolve mode 344

distort an image 213

Distort filters 390


applied with Liquify filter 220

reconstructing 222

Distribute Layers command 286


layers 286

shapes 376


about 116

browser 532

in animations 582

No Dither setting 538

shifting to web-safe colors 536

transparency, in Optimize

palette 533

Divide Slices 511

DNG (Digital Negative) 461

document dimension, viewing 40

document profiles. See color profiles