Curves overview – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 170

User Guide
Click Options in the Levels dialog box. Click the Midtones color swatch to display the Adobe Color Picker. Enter
the values you want to assign to the neutral gray, and click OK. This method has the advantage of showing you a
preview of the values you’re assigning.
In general, assign equal color component values to achieve a neutral gray. For example, assign equal red, green, and
blue values to produce a neutral gray in an RGB image.
Curves overview
You can use the Curves dialog box or Levels dialog box to adjust the entire tonal range of an image. The Curves dialog
box lets you adjust up to 14 different points throughout an image’s tonal range (from shadows to highlights). The
Levels dialog box has only three adjustments (white point, black point, gamma). You can also use the Curves dialog
box to make precise adjustments to individual color channels in an image. You can save Curves dialog box settings
as presets. See “Save and reapply adjustment dialog box settings” on page 159.
Curves dialog box
A. Adjust curve by adding points. B. Draw a curve with the pencil. C. Highlights D. Midtones E. Shadows F. Black and white point sliders.
G. Curve display options H. Set black point. I. Set gray point. J. Set white point. K. Show Clipping
In the Curves dialog box, the tonal range is represented as a straight diagonal baseline, because the input levels (the
original intensity values of the pixels) and output levels (new color values) are identical.
Note: After you’ve made an adjustment to the tonal range in the Curves dialog box, Photoshop continues to display the
baseline as a reference. To hide the baseline, turn off Show Baseline in the Curve Grid Options.
The horizontal axis of the graph represents the input levels; the vertical axis represents the output levels.