Show layer edges and handles, Move the content of layers – Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual
Page 292

User Guide
Note: If a group is expanded so that you can see all the layers within it, adding a layer beneath the expanded group
automatically adds the layer to that group. To avoid this, collapse the group before adding the new layer.
Select a layer or group, choose Layer > Arrange, and choose a command from the submenu. If the selected item is
in a group, the command applies to the stacking order within the group. If the selected item is not in a group, the
command applies to the stacking order within the Layers palette.
To reverse the order of selected layers, choose Layer > Arrange > Reverse. These options appear dimmed if you do
not have at least two layers selected.
Note: By definition, the background layer is always at the bottom of the stacking order. Therefore, the Send To Back
command places the selected item directly above the background layer.
Show layer edges and handles
Showing the boundary or edges of the content in a layer can help you move and align the content. You can also
display the transform handles for selected layers and groups so that you can resize or rotate them.
Layer content with edges showing (left) and with transform mode selected (right)
Display the edges of content in a selected layer
Choose View > Show > Layer Edges.
Display transform handles in a selected layer
Select the Move tool.
From the options bar, select Show Transform Controls.
You can resize and rotate layer content using the transform handles. See “Transform freely” on page 216.
Move the content of layers
From the Layers palette, select the layers containing the objects you want to move.
Select the Move tool.
You can select the layers that you want to move directly in the document window. In the Move tool’s options bar,
select Auto Select, the choose Layer from the drop-down menu. Shift-click to select multiple layers. Select Auto Select,
then choose Group, to select the entire group when you select one layer in the group.
Do one of the following:
In the document window, drag any object onto one of the selected layers. (All objects on the layer will move
Press an arrow key on the keyboard to nudge the objects by 1 pixel.