Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 666

background image


document size

about 66

viewing 40

document window, viewing file

information in 39

documents, keyboard shortcuts

for 639

Dodge tool 204

double-byte type. See Asian type

downloads 10

updates, plug-ins, and tryouts 10


about 64

in PDF files 448

dpi (dots per inch) 59


about 358

circle or square 354

curves followed by straight

lines 366

custom shape 361

doughnut or wheel shape 360

from center out 359

multiple shapes on a layer 360

paths, with Pen tool 363, 364, 366

shapes 359

drawing modes 358

Drop Shadow effect 299

droplet processing options 621


about 620

compatibility issues 621

creating for various operating

systems 621

creating in Photoshop 620

processing files with 621

Dry Brush filter 388

dual brushes 340

Duotone mode 111


about 498

creating 499

curves 499

exporting to other applications 501

overprint colors 500

printing 501

saving and loading settings 500

viewing individual plates 500

Duplicate Channel command 267

Duplicate command 41

Duplicate Merged Layers Only

option 41

Duplicate Path command 376

Dust & Scratches filter 391

Dynamic Color Sliders option 125

Dynamic Shortcuts 412


edge effects 387

edge sensitivity, Lasso tool 248

edges, smoothing 379

Edit Plane tool, in vanishing

point 225


grouping blend 295

modifying with contours 301

removing 305

scaling 305

scaling effects 305

Elliptical Marquee tool 245


saving to 529

Embed Color Profile option 441

Embed Watermark command 471

Emboss filter 394

empty cells 542

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS). See

EPS files


connecting 374

EPS file format

binary encoding 455

JPEG encoding 455

saving files in 454

EPS files

about 460

binary encoding 455

JPEG encoding 455

opening 73

saving 454

saving for page layout 479

saving in DCS format 455

Equalize command 187

Erase To History mode 329

Eraser tool 51, 328


about 328

backgrounds 329

fastening points in a selection 246

lasso segments 247

to history to restore previous

state 51

Events Manager 623

Every-line Composer 427

Exclusion mode 345

Export Contents command 311

Export Layers To Files command, in

Photoshop 458


3D information in vanishing

point 225

duotones 501

measurement in vanishing

point 225

paths 481

textures in vanishing point 225

transparency 480

Extensible Metadata Platform

(XMP) 466

Extract command, previewing

with 264

Extract filter 262, 263

extracting objects from

background 263

Extras 7

See also names of individual Extras

showing and hiding 46

target path 375

Extrude filter 394

eyedropper sample 119

Eyedropper tool

about 155

Black Point 167

Gray Point 162

in Hue/Saturation command 169

in vanishing point 225

target color for 167

White Point 167


Facet filter 392

fastening point 248

feathering 256

file compression. See compression

file formats

See also compression, Save For

Web dialog box, individual
format names

about 440, 459

animation and movie 462