Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 480

background image


User Guide


Note: If you want a file to appear more than once in your PDF presentation, select the file and click Duplicate. You can
then drag the duplicate file to the desired location in the Source Files window.

Dragging a file to a new position in the list


In the Output Options area of the PDF Presentation dialog box, select from the following options:

Save As Multi-Page Document

Creates a PDF document with the images on separate pages.

Save As Presentation

Creates a PDF slide show presentation.


Specifies a background color (white, gray, or black) for the border around each image in the PDF


Note: Borders appear only if you select one or more of the Include Filename, Include Title, Include Copyright, Include
Author, Include Description, Include EXIF Info, or Annotations options (otherwise, the image fills the screen).

Include Filename

Includes the filename at the bottom of each image in the PDF presentation. Select Extension to

include the three-digit file format extension in the filename.

Include Title

Includes the image title, derived from the image’s metadata, at the bottom of each image in the PDF


Include Copyright

Includes copyright metadata at the bottom of each image in the PDF presentation.

Include Author

Includes author metadata at the bottom of each image in the PDF presentation.

Include Description

Includes description metadata at the bottom of each image in the PDF presentation.

Include EXIF Info

Includes camera metadata at the bottom of each image in the PDF presentation.

Include Annotations

Includes note or audio annotations in images that contain them in the PDF presentation.

Font Size

Specifies a font size for displayed text.


If you selected Presentation as the Output Option, specify the following options in the Presentation Options area:

Advance Every [x] Seconds

Specifies how long each image is displayed before the presentation advances to the next

image. The default duration is 5 seconds.

Loop After Last Page

Specifies that the presentation automatically starts over after reaching the end. Deselect this

option to stop the presentation after the final image is displayed.


Specifies the transition when moving from one image to the next. Choose a transition from the Transition
