about 41
changing settings 42
zero origin 41
Run Length Encoding (RLE)
compression 459
Sampled Blur filter 389
from layers 282
images with a tool 195, 198, 200
about 109
adjusting 168, 204
adjusting a specific color range 98
Saturation mode 345
saturation, adjusting 204
Save A Version command 440
Save Actions command 613
Save As command 440, 441
Save command 440, 441
Save Current command 20
Save For Web command 440, 523
Save For Web dialog box
about 523
Color Table panel in 534
Image Size panel in 527
resizing images in 527
viewing annotations in 525
working with slices in 527
Save Optimized command 523
Save Selection command 273
Save Workspace command 20
See also individual file format
alpha channels 441
annotations 441
as a copy 441
color tables 118, 537
color-managed documents 441
copyright information 470
duotone curves 499
duotone settings 500
embedded watermarks 470
for use in Illustrator 479
image previews 441
images 440
layers 441
options 441
page layouts 479
preferences 441
specifying file extensions when 442
spot channels 441
thumbnails 441
to Illustrator 479
tonal and color adjustment
settings 159
with lowercase file extensions 442
Scale Effects command 305
scale markers
creating 598
deleting 598
images 213
images during printing 486
layer styles 305
type 421
scanning 68
about 68
at correct resolution 65
images 68
predicting file size for 498
Scitex format 465
scratch disks 56
scratch size, viewing 40
screen frequency
about 59, 63
determining resolution 66
saving settings for 495
scanning and 497
setting 493
Screen mode 344
screen ruling 493
Script Events Manager 623
See also actions, automating,
for Photoshop automation 622
scrubby sliders 22
security, PDF files 450
See also selections, selection
channels 504
color ranges 250
colors from all visible layers 250
contiguous pixels 202, 250
keyboard shortcuts for 640
layers 283
layers in a group 283
pixels 244
RGB colors 121
snapshots 55
type 411
selection borders
closing 246
converting to paths 380
defining paths 380
for type 432
framing with selection 255
from paths 379
snapping behavior of 43
stroking 255
adding to 253
adding to channel 274
aligning 245
anti-aliasing 256
contracting 254
converting to layer 281
copying 259, 260
copying while dragging 259
creating edge effects with 387
creating multiple copies of 259
creating with Quick Mask
mode 270
customizing for Magic Wand
tool 250
deleting 262
deselecting 245
dragging between documents 259
duplicating 259
erasing segments of 246
expanding 254, 255
extracting 262, 263
feathering 256
filling 352
freehand 246
from temporary masks 271
hiding and showing edges of 253
intersecting 254
intersecting in channel 274
inverting 253
loading 274
moving, hiding, or inverting 252
pasting 258, 259