Adobe Photoshop CS3 User Manual

Page 678

background image


Snap Neutral Midtones option of

Auto Color 186

Snapshot command 55


clearing 52

of state 52

Soft light mode 344, 345

soft proofs 159


about 137

in Acrobat 138

in Photoshop, Illustrator and

InDesign 137


activation 1

downloads 10

registration 1

Solarize filter 394

Sort By Hue command 535

Sort By Luminance command 535

Sort By Popularity command 535

spacer cells 542

Spacing option, brush 336, 340

spacing, between words and letters.

See type, formatting

special characters

in OpenType fonts 417

special effects with filters 387

spell checking 408

Spherize filter 391

Splatter filter 390

Split Channels command 268

Split tone 98

Sponge filter 388

Sponge tool 204

spot channels

See also channels

adding 502

merging 504

options 503

saving 441

spot colors

about 501

color management

considerations 133

trapping 504

Spot Healing Brush tool 195

Spotlight effect 400

Sprayed Strokes filter 390

squares, drawing 354

sRGB color space 136, 147

stacking order

arranging for slices 513

of layers 284

Stained Glass filter 395

Stamp filter 394

standard deviation pixel values 153

Standard mode button, for turning

off quick mask 271

standard screen mode 33

status bar

about 39

stops, inserting in recordings 615

straight quotes. See type, formatting

strikethrough type. See type

Stroke command 353

Stroke effect 299

Stroke Path command 354

strokes, keyboard shortcuts for 642


selection borders 255

selections 352, 354


applying preset 298

converting to layers 305

copying and pasting in 304

preset 297

Stylize filters 394

Stylus Pressure option 248

Subscript command 415

subslices 508

Subtract option 277

Sumi-e filter 390

Superscript command 415

SVG (scalable vector graphics)

Save For Web command 540

Swatches palette

about 125

keyboard shortcuts for 650

loading color table into 118

swatches, sharing between

applications 127

SWF format

about 539

system requirements 1


table slices 507

tablet, setting pen pressure 343

Tagged-Image File Format (TIFF).

See TIFF format

Targa format 466

target channel 266

target values, setting with Levels or

Curves 174

tate-chu-yoko. See Asian type

templates, using with other Adobe

applications 628


See also type

formatting 415

keyboard shortcuts for 643

text formatting

See also fonts, character styles,

paragraph styles

text on a path 428

Texture Channel 402

Texture filters 395


copying between tools 343

for brushes 339

in Lighting Effects filter 402

protecting in brush strokes 342

Texturizer filter 395, 396

thaw areas, with Liquify filter 219

Threshold command 188

Threshold slider 397


in PDF file 448

layer 279

resizing in Channels palette 266

saving 441

TIFF format

about 466

saving files in 452

saving in for page layout 479

Tiles filter 394

timecode 547


navigating 548

previewing video and

animation 580

tokens 519

syntax of 521

using in web photo gallery 521

tonal and color adjustments

about 157

Auto Contrast command 184

automatic adjustments 183, 184