Chapter 55 commands for mirroring configuration, 1 monitor session source interface, Monitor session source interface – PLANET WGSW-52040 User Manual
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Chapter 55 Commands for
Mirroring Configuration
55.1 monitor session source interface
monitor session
no monitor session
Specify the source interface for the mirror. The no form command will disable this configuration.
<session> is the session number for the mirror. Currently only 1 is supported. <interface-list> is the list of source
interfaces of the mirror which can be separated by “-” and “;”. cpu means the CPU on the board to be the source of
the mirror for debugging. Datagram received by or sent by the CPU. rx means to filter the datagram received by the
interface, while tx for the datagram sent out, and both means both of income and outcome datagram.
Command mode:
Global mode
Usage Guide:
This command is used to configure the source interfaces for the mirror. It is not restricted the source interface of the
mirror on the switch. The source can be one interface, or can be multiple interfaces. Both of the income and outcome
datagram can be mirrored, or they can be mirrored selectively. If no [rx | tx | both] is specified, both are made to be
the default. When multiple interfaces are mirrored, the direction of the mirror can be different, but they should be
configured separately.
Configure to mirror the datagram sent out by interface 1/1-4 and to mirror the datagram received by interface1/5
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 source interface ethernet 1/1-4 tx
Switch(config)#monitor session 1 source interface ethernet1/5 rx