3 set – PLANET WGSW-52040 User Manual
Page 387
configuration with add commend and delete command in policy.
Apply policy-map p1 (p1 corresponds with the action that modify s-vid) to Ethernet port 1/1 for flexible QinQ.
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#dot1q-tunnel enable
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#service-policy p1 in
Apply policy-map p1 (p1 corresponds with the action that modify c-vid) to Ethernet port 1/1 for flexible QinQ.
Switch(Config-If-Ethernet1/1)#service-policy p1 in
22.3 set
set {s-vid
no set {s-vid }
Assign the new cos and vid value to the packets which match the class map, no command cancels the operation.
Do not assign the value.
Command Mode:
Policy class-map configuration mode
Usage Guide:
Only assign the new value again for the classified flow that correspond the match standard. This switch only
supports to modify the outer layer of vlan, it does not support to add outer layer of vlan or delete the outer layer of
vlan and it does not support to configure the inner layer of vlan. At the same time, the vid modified by this command
is not used for studying and forwarding but it is used for vlan checking.
Set an external VLAN Tag' VID as 3 for the packet which satisfy c2 class rule.
Switch(config)#policy-map p1