3 stirring - operating time – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
Page 977
8 Manual control
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
all instruments except for Photometer
Input range
–15 - 15
Default value
Photometer only
Input range
1 - 15
Default value
Starts stirring for the selected stirrer.
Stops stirring for the selected stirrer.
Stirring - Operating time
Program part: Manual control
You can switch on stirrers for a defined time. This tab only appears if a
single stirrer is selected.
Stirring rate
Selection of the stirring rate. This parameter can also be modified live.
all instruments except for Photometer
Input range
–15 - 15
Default value
Photometer only
Input range
1 - 15
Default value
Stirring time
Entry of the time during which the stirrer has to remain switched on. If
this parameter is modified after stirring has started, it is not valid until the
next stirring procedure.
Input range
1 - 999,999 s
Default value
60 s
Starts stirring for the selected stirrer. The remaining time is shown in the
status display. The stirrer will be switched off automatically after the stir-
ring time has elapsed.
Stops stirring for the selected stirrer.