4 cp - sweep, Sweep – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual

Page 659

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5 Method

viva 1.1 (for process analysis)



Input range

0.0 - 9,999.9 s (Increment: 0.1)

Default value

0.0 s

Potential 3

Potential that is applied to the electrodes during the Waiting time 3.

Input range

–5.000 - 5.000 V (Increment: 0.001)



Default value


Waiting time 3

Waiting time during which the Potential 3 potential is applied to the

Only editable for Potential 3

off, otherwise inactive.

Input range

0.0 - 9,999.9 s (Increment: 0.1)

Default value

0.0 s

CP - Sweep

Tab: Method

CP Properties... Sweep

Command name

Name of the command.


25 characters

Measure galvanostatically

Plating current

Current applied during the plating time.

Input range

–10.000 - 10.000 mA (Increment: 0.001)

Default value

–1.000 mA

Plating time

Time during which the Plating current is applied to the electrodes.

Input range

1.0 - 3,600.0 s (Increment: 0.1)

Default value

180.0 s

Measure open-circuit potential

Measurement duration

Period during which the open-circuit potential (see Glossary, page 1055)
is measured.

Input range

1.0 - 3,600.0 s (Increment: 0.1)

Default value

600.0 s