10 what is new in viva, 1 new features, New features – Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
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1.10 What is new in viva?
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
What is new in viva?
New features
Sample type Intercept
New sample type for brightener determination with the LAT calibra-
tion method.
Renaming of the HCR and LCR command variables
The command variables HCR and LCR of the voltammetry commands
have been renamed HR and LR.
Creating new methods
Because of the functional expansions in viva 1.1, we recommend that
new methods should always be created based on the method tem-
plates from viva 1.1.
New calibration methods
LAT (Linear Approximation Technique) is a calibration method for the
determination of the brightener concentration in electroplating baths.
LAT is a two-stage process. First, the intercept value is measured, and
then, after a solution exchange, the sample.
The response curve is a standardized calibration curve for electroplating
bath additives with a suppressing effect. It involves a two-stage pro-
cess, in which a calibration curve is first recorded with a standard solu-
tion before the sample solution is measured.
New commands
Voltammetry command CPVS
The CPVS (Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping) command is a
voltammetry command for the electroplating bath analysis with CPVS.
It is mainly used for the determination of various organic additives in
electroplating baths. The CPVS command can only be inserted in VA
Voltammetry command CP
The CP (chronopotentiometry) command is a voltammetry com-
mand for the electroplating bath analysis with CP. It is used for galva-
nostatic film deposition as well as for measuring the open-circuit
potential in electroplating baths. The CP command can only be
inserted in VA tracks.
Measuring command MEAS T
Command for temperature measurements.