Metrohm viva 1.1 (ProLab) User Manual
Page 506
5.5 Method run subwindow
viva 1.1 (for process analysis)
894 Professional CVS | 846 Dosing Interface |
814 USB Sample Processor | 815 Robotic USB
Sample Processor XL | 858.0010 Professional
Sample Processor | 858.0020 Professional
Sample Processor | 858.0030 Professional
Sample Processor | 919.0020 IC Autosampler
plus | Avantes Spectrometer
Default value
894 Professional CVS
Remote Box
Selection of a Remote Box connected to the instrument.
846 and 894
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Default value
814, 815, 858, 919
1 | 2 | 3
Default value
Set lines
Output signal
Entry of the bit pattern for the output signal or selection of a predefined
signal pattern.
It is possible to enter the following characters:
0 = Line inactive
1 = Line active
* = Any line status
p = Set pulse (pulse duration = 1 s). If a pulse with a different length is to
be output, then a corresponding template must be defined for this pur-
Sample changer, 894 and 846
Bit pattern with exactly 14 characters (0, 1, *,
p) | ************** | Signal pattern
Default value
Avantes Spectrometer
Bit pattern with exactly 10 characters (0, 1, *,
p) | ********** | Signal pattern
Default value
The bits are numbered from right to left: